Monday, January 16, 2012

7 Great Search Engines For Beginners

Internet beginners want a single search engine that delivers relevant results, has uncluttered interface and helpful options  to broaden or tighten a search.With this criteria, comes up with  a list of favourites,apart from the usual Google,Yahoo! and Bing:  

  1. The Ask or AJ or Ask Jeeves search engine is much trusted.The super-clean interface rivals the other major search engines,and the search options are as good as the others.The result groupings are what really make stand out.
  2. At first,DuckDuckGo looks like Google.But there are many subtleties that make this spartan search engine different .It has some slik features,like 'Zero-click' information (all your answers are found on the first results page).It also helps to clarify what question you are really asking and the ad spam is lesser than Google.
  3. The  Internet Archive is a favourite destination for long time web lovers.It has been taking snapshots of the entire World Wide Web for years now,allowing visitors  to travel back in time to see what to web page looked like in 1999,or what the news was like around Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
  4. Yippy is a deep web engine that searches other search engine for you.Unlike the regular web,deep web  page are usually harder to locate by conventional search.That is where searching for obscure hobby interest blogs,government information,tough-to-find news, academic research and otherwise vague content,Yippy is your tool.
  5. Mahalo is the one 'human-powered'search site in this list,employing a committee of  editors to manually sift and vet thousand of pieces of content.This means that you will get  fewer Mahalo hit results than you get at Bing or Google.But it also mean that most Mahalo results have a higer quality of content and relevance,as best as human editors can judge.Mahalo also offers regular web searching in addition to asking questions.Depending on which of the two search boxes you use,you will either get direct content topic hits or suggested answers.
  6. ago,Degpile was the fast and efficient choice.Things changed,Dogpile faded into obscurity,and Google become king.But today,Dogpile is coming back,with a growing index and a clean and quick presentation.
  7. is an encyclopaedic resource dedicated to searching techno terminology and computer definitions.Teach yourself what 'domain name system'is or teach yourself what 'DDRAM'  means on your computer.Webopedia is a perfect resource for non-technical people to make more sense of the computers around them...... 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Make the first impression last

When you are interviewing for a job,one of the keys to success is your first impression.If you are about to go in for an interview,maybe it is time to re-evaluate the first impression you give off. Do you come off as likable?Do you exude professionalism and charm?
The goal of every first impression is to stick to a person's brain.You want them to instantly like you and keep thinking about you hours or even days after your first met them.Here are few things we can all do to give a killer first impression.
     Dress to impress: You do not want to walk into an interview looking like a slob.If you look sloopy;people will assume you do sloppy work.Look neat and presentable.Also,dress so you will fit in with the people who are interviewing you.For attorneys that means conservative suits,white shirts and ties. If your job is more creative,say like a graphic designer,dress so it looks like you are creative.
       look fit:People are attracted to people in good physical shape.If you are out of shape,start heading to the gym everyday for 30 minutes of cardio and strength training .Also,quite eating junk and start eating healthy.
      Give an impressive handshake:The first hand shake is a key part in giving a good first impression.
      Focus on speaking:
Speak clearly and at a moderate on varying your voice intonation.You do not want to come off as a monotone bore.Also,speak the language of the person interviewing you.Avoid slang and jargon not associated with the job you are interviewing for.Use proper grammar and  vocabulary that reflect a higher education.If people cannot understand you,it is hard for them  to like you.
       Use the person's name:
Using the interviewer's name makes the conversation more personable .It also shows that you were paying attention during introduction and that the other person was important enough for you to memories their name.However,avoid overusing a person's name.Too much name use sounds fake and a little bit creepy.
       Let the person know you are listening:
If it looks like you are not listening,people will be turned off.Give subtle hints that you are listening such as looking the person in the eye,nodding 'I' see'.Also,ask questions about what someone had just said.It shows you have been paying attention and that you want to know more about what they are saying.Finally, do not interrupt.
       Shine the spotlight on the other person:
The secret to charm is directing attention away from you and on to the other person.Avoid blabbing about yourself and start asking questions about the other person.Like,'How did you end up at(name of company)?' and so on.You will not only get key insights about your potential employer,but the questions also require the interviewer to talk about themselves,which most people absolutely love................Agencies